Competitive Ski Team
By Benjamin Cha ‘24
Article from the Winter Carnival 2024 Hearth Issue
Unfortunately, since there is usually no snow present at the start of the winter term, we cannot start the season with runs down our ski slope. However, this provides the team with time to condition and stay disciplined for the season ahead. Our conditioning training consisted of much running and many aerobic exercises, including runs up Pine Nook road, miles of running on the track, and jogs through trails that wind through the woods. Despite having to endure much rigorous training, our team remained strong throughout the weeks, and consistently braced ourselves for each day’s work.
The chief purpose of a strenuous start to the season is due to the team’s principles that revolve around physical and mental strength, discipline, and leadership. These qualities are what make the most robust of teams, and are the foundation that we look forward to when we manage to get on the snow. Additionally, although our team is captained by Carter Labrie ‘24 and me, Benjamin Cha ‘24, the foundation of our team lies responsibility within each and every skier. Whether our goals are placed to win or to simply improve, we can only achieve the things we look forward to if each individual is willing to be a cornerstone for others.
In good time, the team was finally able to get on snow the first day back from the holiday recess. Although we had to originally resort to making our way up the incline by foot (the amount of snow did not quite meet the requirements for the ski lift to operate), we viewed this as a part of our conditioning. Thanks to the slope’s maintenance crew, we were eventually able to use the ski lift and use Amy’s Run without any strenuous hiking.
A majority of our races are located at Berkshire East Mountain, and races are always scheduled to take place every wednesday. Occasionally, there is an open school race that takes place on Winter Carnival Day here at Eaglebrook School, where students will be able to watch their fellow skiers take part in an alpine ski competition. At the end of the season, a few of the top racers on the team will be chosen to compete in the NEPSAC Championships.
Our team is comprised of the following members: Lucas Alvarez Gaiani ‘26, Harry An ‘27, Benjamin Cha ‘24, Christian Chandler ‘27, Wells Davidson ‘26, Carter Evans ‘24, Madeline (Maddie) Fay ‘27, Vincent Jie ‘24, Lewin Kasser ‘25, Carter Labrie ‘24, Beatrice (Bea) Lakey ‘27, Henry Lee ‘26, James Lin ‘26, Morrison (Mojo) MacMillan 2025, Juan Pablo Madariaga ‘24, Luigi Murphy ‘26, Andrew Neo ‘24, Victor Oudin ‘26, Caden Park ‘27, Logan David Scowen Arreola ‘25, Ashton Van Epps ‘25, Ülla Williams ‘26, Matthew Yoon ‘25, Max Yoon ‘27, and Frank Zhang ‘26.
Huge appreciation to our fantastic coaches Mr. Rose, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Loftus, and Mr. McClure for managing our team.
So far, we expect to see favorable improvements and outcomes in each of the ski team’s members this season.
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